Original Research
’n Empiriese ondersoek na die sosiale en mediese omstandighede van gelowiges met MIV/VIGS ten einde riglyne vir hoop-getuienis te bepaal
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 46, No 2 | a105 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v46i2.105
| © 2012 Erina du Plooy Bain, Ben J. de Klerk
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 16 July 2012 | Published: 10 December 2012
Submitted: 16 July 2012 | Published: 10 December 2012
About the author(s)
Erina du Plooy Bain, Practical Theology, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South AfricaBen J. de Klerk, Practical Theology, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University,
Hierdie eerste artikel in ’n reeks waar die sentrale en skerpsinnig-wyse sleutelposisie van eskatologiese hoop en getuienis daarvan in die lewe van die gelowiges met MIV/VIGS beklemtoon word, fokus op die mediese en sosiale omstandighede van die persoon met Vigs in ’n terminale fase. Empiriese navorsing is onderneem aan die hand van ’n kwalitatiewe studie by die gesondheidsentrum van ’n voorstedelike motorvervaardigingsaanleg. Die navorsingsontwerp en -metodologie word bespreek en geverifieer. Twee groepsonderhoude met multi-veranderlikes per deelnemer (gelowiges met MIV/VIGS en ’n kontrolegroep van mediese personeel/gesondheidwerkers) wat onderneem is, het vasgestel dat die persone met MIV/VIGS in ’n uiters negatiewe situasie leef, wat onder meer bestuurbaar gemaak word deur die sogenaamde signature strengths van die Positiewe Psigologie. Pastorale behoeftes sluit gebed, vertroosting en koinonia/samesyn (fellowship) in. Opvolartikels sal fokus op die bydrae van die metateorieë van die mediese en kommunikasiewetenskap en die Positiewe Psigologie as komplementerende ervaringsveld. Op ’n veel hoër vlak is spirituele gesondheid en heling as vrug van die Heilige Gees van kardinale belang vir die ewige lewe: versterkende geestelike krag vanuit hulle eskatologiese hoop vir die ewige lewe saam met God, waar geen swaarkry is nie. Praktiese riglyne tot kerugmatiese, liturgiese, koinoniale en diakoniale getuienis oor hoop sal in hierdie opvolgartikels voorgestel word.
An empirical investigation into the social and medical conditions of religious people living with HIV or AIDS in order to determine guidelines for hope. This first article in a series where the central and perspicacious position of eschatological hope and witnessing thereof in the life of a believer with HIV or AIDS is emphasised, focuses on the medical and social circumstances of people with HIV or AIDS. Empirical research via a qualitative study at the health centre of an urban vehicle manufacturing plant was conducted in this study. The research methodology and design are discussed and verified. Two group interviews with multi-variables per participant (believers with HIV or AIDS and a control group of health workers) established that people living with HIV or AIDS are spiritually enormously strengthened by their eschatological hope of eternal life with God without this earthly suffering. Pastoral needs include prayer, comfort and koinonia and/or fellowship. They revealed an extremely grave situation, which can, however, be made manageable with inter alia positive signature strengths. Follow-up articles will focus on the contribution of meta-theories of complementary and entwined sciences. Practical guidelines in terms of witnessing hope by means of kerygmatical, liturgical, koinonial and diaconial communication and acts will be suggested in these articles.
An empirical investigation into the social and medical conditions of religious people living with HIV or AIDS in order to determine guidelines for hope. This first article in a series where the central and perspicacious position of eschatological hope and witnessing thereof in the life of a believer with HIV or AIDS is emphasised, focuses on the medical and social circumstances of people with HIV or AIDS. Empirical research via a qualitative study at the health centre of an urban vehicle manufacturing plant was conducted in this study. The research methodology and design are discussed and verified. Two group interviews with multi-variables per participant (believers with HIV or AIDS and a control group of health workers) established that people living with HIV or AIDS are spiritually enormously strengthened by their eschatological hope of eternal life with God without this earthly suffering. Pastoral needs include prayer, comfort and koinonia and/or fellowship. They revealed an extremely grave situation, which can, however, be made manageable with inter alia positive signature strengths. Follow-up articles will focus on the contribution of meta-theories of complementary and entwined sciences. Practical guidelines in terms of witnessing hope by means of kerygmatical, liturgical, koinonial and diaconial communication and acts will be suggested in these articles.
Hope; witness; guidelines; HIV/AIDS; pastoral; koinonia; qualitative empirical methodology
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