Original Research

Kerkregering as ’n geestelike regeringswyse

C. J. Smit
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 26, No 4 | a1432 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v26i4.1432 | © 1992 C. J. Smit | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 10 June 1992 | Published: 10 June 1992

About the author(s)

C. J. Smit,, South Africa

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Church government has derived its unique character from the policy which the Lord has ordained for His church. Thus, the only valid source for research into the principles of church government is the Word of God. In this study it is argued that the authority to govern the church does not stem from its governing body, but from Christ, the actual ruler of the church. Because the church is Word-governed, church government is Spirit-government. Thus church government does not only imply judicial-legal aspects, but should reflect a governing of the heart on the basis of faith and love. The task of church government is essential to safeguard and maintain the restored relationship with God.


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