Original Research

Grammaties-historiese eksegese: quid est et quo vadis?

H.J.M. van Deventer
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 45, No 2/3 | a16 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v45i2/3.16 | © 2011 H.J.M. van Deventer | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 22 June 2011 | Published: 22 June 2011

About the author(s)

H.J.M. van Deventer, Eenheid vir Reformatoriese Teologie, Skool vir Basiese Wetenskappe, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, Vaaldriehoekkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, VANDERBIJLPARK

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Grammatical-historical exegesis: quid est et quo vadis?

This article investigates the grammatical-historical method of biblical interpretation. The aim is to indicate certain problems in the approach through critical investigation and to make suggestions regarding changes to this method. Emphasis is placed on the historical- and reader-focused aspects related to reading an ancient biblical text. The development of the grammaticalhistorical method is placed against the backdrop of the development of biblical interpretation in general. Lastly, suggestions are made on how the results of the historical-Jesus research can contribute to responsible exegesis.


Biblical Interpretation; History Of Grammatical Historical; Exegesis; Hermeneutics


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