Original Research
Hermeneutiese uitdagings aan Christosentriese prediking vanuit Ou-Testamentiese narratiewe
Submitted: 23 August 2013 | Published: 17 September 2014
About the author(s)
Hendrik S.W. Strauss, Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South AfricaFriedrich W. de Wet, Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa
Baie predikers vind dit moeilik om Christus vanuit die Ou Testament te verkondig. Die probleem van Christosentriese prediking uit die Ou Testament is wesenlik ’n hermeneutiese probleem. In hierdie artikel word gepoog om ’n antwoord hierop te bied deur eerstens bepaalde ankers in ’n see van hermeneutiese moontlikhede te identifiseer. Hierdie ankers sluit in die Christelike karakter van die Ou Testament en die eenheid tussen die Ou en Nuwe Testament met ’n universele boodskap. Ten einde Christus op ’n geloofwaardige en verantwoordelike wyse vanuit die Ou Testament te preek, is ’n eksegetiese metode waarin rekening gehou word met die karakter van die Ou Testament, sowel as die verhouding daarvan tot die Nuwe Testament, onontbeerlik. Die holisties histories-kritiese metode dien, na ons mening, Christosentriese prediking uit die Ou Testament die beste, aangesien dit die literêre, historiese en teologiese aspekte van ’n teks verreken. Terwyl ’n verantwoordelike eksegetiese metode die basis lê vir Christosentriese prediking uit die Ou Testament, word daar ook ’n verkenning gedoen van sinvolle (organiese) oorgange vanuit Ou-Testamentiese narratiewe na die Nuwe Testament. Aangesien Christosentriese prediking uit die Ou Testament nie sonder gevare is nie, word enkele slaggate ten opsigte daarvan uit die Ou-Testamentiese narratiewe uitgelig.
Hermeneutical challenges encountered by Christ-centered preaching from Old Testament narratives. Many ministers find it difficult to preach Christ from the Old Testament. The problem of Christocentric preaching from the Old Testament is essentially a hermeneutical problem. In this article an answer is proposed, firstly by identifying specific anchors in a sea of hermeneutic possibilities. These include the Christian character of the Old Testament, and the unity between the Old and New Testaments with a universal message. In order to preach Christ in a credible and responsible manner from the Old Testament, an exegetical method, which takes into account the character of the Old Testament as well as its relationship to the New Testament, is essential. The holistic historic-critical method, we believe, serves Christocentric preaching from the Old Testament the best as it takes the literary, historical and theological aspects of the text into consideration. As a responsible exegetical method lays the foundations for Christocentric preaching from the Old Testament, an exploration of meaningful (organic) transitions from Old Testament narratives to the New Testament is made. Seeing that Christocentric preaching from the Old Testament is not without dangers, some pitfalls regarding Christocentric preaching from the Old Testament narratives are highlighted.
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Crossref Citations
1. Vooronderstellings wat die eskatologie beïnvloed
Jacob J. Scholtz
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi vol: 50 issue: 1 year: 2016
doi: 10.4102/ids.v50i1.2170