Original Research

Neutraal of sekularisties, humanisties en paganisties: Die alternatiewe godsdiens van die Weste?

Pieter Verster
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 47, No 1 | a174 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v47i1.174 | © 2013 Pieter Verster | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 July 2012 | Published: 14 November 2013

About the author(s)

Pieter Verster, Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, South Africa


Die soeke na neutraliteit in die wetenskapsbeoefening van die Weste het daartoe gelei dat ’n alternatiewe godsdiens na vore gekom het. Hierdie godsdiens is sekularisties, humanisties en paganisties. Die Christelike grondslae is verruil vir uitgangspunte wat die Christelike boodskap ondergrawe. Is daar ’n Christelike antwoord op die problematiek van die alternatiewe godsdiens wat in die Weste na vore kom? Die Christelike boodskap behoort ’n volledige en omvattende saak te wees. Wetenskap wat vanuit ’n Christelike geloofsperspektief beoefen word, behoort daarom onder andere die volgende aspekte te vertoon: ’n Verruimende perspektief van die erkenning van God, waarin die vryheid in Christus die ware vryheid tot die lewe is; ook medemenslikheid in die wetenskapsbeoefening vanuit die perspektief dat God die Een is wat in Jesus Christus die ware lewe gee. ’n Eskatologiese perspektief moet ook nie ontbreek nie. Die reformatoriese vernuwing van die samelewing en veral die wetenskap vereis die erkenning van Jesus Christus se lewensomvattende invloed en heerskappy. Hierdie apekte sal in die artikel bespreek word.

In search for neutrality in the scientific endeavour in the West an alternative religion was established. This religion is secularistic, humanistic and paganistic. Christian views in science and society were changed for views that in reality reject the Christian gospel. Is there a Christian reply to the deep problems of the alternative religion which presents itself in the West? The Christian message must be in total and encompassing. Science which is practiced from the perspective of faith should therefore, among others, have the following aspects: A broad perspective in acknowledging God in whom the freedom in Christ is the true freedom for life; and also a respect for humanity in the practice of science from the perspective that God is the One who in Jesus Christ gives true life. There must also be an eschatological perspective. Reformational renewal of the community and especially in science requires the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ’s life-changing influence and rule. These aspects will receive attention in the article.


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