Original Research

Die tema van God se spraak in Hebreërs se inleidingsformules

Albert J. Coetsee, Gert J.C. Jordaan
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 49, No 1 | a1852 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v49i1.1852 | © 2015 Albert J. Coetsee, Gert J.C. Jordaan | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 June 2014 | Published: 17 March 2015

About the author(s)

Albert J. Coetsee, School for Ancient Language and Text Studies, North-West University, South Africa
Gert J.C. Jordaan, School for Ancient Language and Text Studies, North-West University, South Africa


Alhoewel die voorkoms en gebruik van die Ou Testament in die meeste navorsing oor Hebreërs besonder baie aandag geniet, is dit nie die geval met die Hebreërskrywer se gebruik van inleidingsformules vir sy Ou-Testamentiese aanhalings nie. Die gevolg is dat daar tot op hede betreklik min selfstandige navorsing oor die Hebreërskrywer se tema van God se spraak by sy inleidingsformules gedoen is. In hierdie artikel word Hebreërs se inleidingsformules in besonderhede nagegaan om te bepaal wat die aard en inhoud van die Hebreërskrywer se verwysings na die tema van God se spraak in sy inleidingsformules is. Daar word onder andere bepaal dat Hebreërs 38 direkte aanhalings vanuit die Ou Testament bevat, dat die Hebreërskrywer, met slegs een uitsondering, elke inleidingsformule met ’n werkwoord van sêinlei, dat ’n Persoon van die Drie-eenheid in 34 van die 38 direkte aanhalings (± 89%) die onderwerp en gevolglike Spreker van die Ou-Testamentiese woorde is, dat die Hebreërskrywer al drie Persone van die Drie-eenheid as God beskou, en dat die Hebreërskrywer oortuig is dat die Ou Testament geïnspireer is en God se geldige en relevante openbaring bly.

The theme of God’s speech in Hebrews’ introduction formulae. Whilst the occurance and function of the Old Testament in research on Hebrews enjoys a lot of attention, this is not the case for the writer of Hebrews’ use of introduction formulae for his Old Testament quotations. The result is that up to date relatively few independent studies have been made on the writer of Hebrews’ theme of God’s speech in his introduction formulae. In this article the introduction formulae in Hebrews are researched in detail to determine the nature and content of the writer of Hebrews’ reference to the theme of God’s speech in his introduction formulae. Amongst other things it is determined that Hebrews has 38 direct quotations from the Old Testament, that with the exception of one introduction formula the writer of Hebrews introduces each direct quotation with a verb of saying, that a Person of the Trinity is the subject and consequential Speaker of the Old Testament words in 34 of the 38 direct quotations (± 89%), that the writer of Hebrews views all three Persons of the Trinity as God, and that the writer of Hebrews is convinced that the Old Testament is divinely inspired and remains God’s valid and relevant revelation.


Hebrews, speak, talk, speech, word of God, Old Testament quotation, introductory formula


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Crossref Citations

1. ‘By his word’? Creation, preservation and consummation in the book of Hebrews
Albert J. Coetsee
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies  vol: 74  issue: 4  year: 2018  
doi: 10.4102/hts.v74i4.4894