Original Research
An attempt to define the constitutive elements of a pentecostal spirituality
Submitted: 14 July 2014 | Published: 14 May 2015
About the author(s)
Marius Nel, Research Unit of the Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South AfricaAbstract
Pentecostal spirituality is defined as the integration of beliefs and practices into the affections that are themselves evoked and expressed by those practices and beliefs. This article investigates these practices and beliefs by examining pentecostal publications to define the most important constitutive elements of a pentecostal spirituality. The most important theological beliefs are justification by faith in Christ, sanctification as a second definite work of grace, healing as provided in the atonement, the premillennial second coming of Christ, and the baptism in the Spirit. However, when these theological beliefs are translated into pentecostal practice, it seems that their spirituality is essentially biblical, apocalyptical eschatological, missional, and affective. These elements are discussed in order to attempt to define the constitutive elements of a pentecostal spirituality.
Pinksterspiritualiteit kan gedefinieer word as die integrasie van oortuigings en praktyke in die gevoelens wat deur daardie praktyke en oortuigings uitgelok en uitgedruk word. Die artikel ondersoek die praktyke en oortuigings deur na publikasies vanuit Pinkstergeledere te kyk ten einde die belangrikste samestellende elemente van ’n Pinksterspiritualiteit te definieer. Die belangrikste teologiese leerstellings is regverdiging deur die geloof in Christus, heiligmaking as ’n tweede besliste werk van genade, genesing as deel van die versoeningswerk, die verwagting van die premillennialistiese tweede koms van Christus, en die doop in die Heilige Gees. Wanneer die teologiese leerstellings in die Pinksterpraktyk vertaal word, blyk dit dat die spiritualiteit in wese bybels, apokalipties-eskatologies, missionaal en affektief is. Hierdie elemente word bespreek in ’n poging om die essensiële elemente van ’n Pinksterspiritualiteit te definieer.
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Crossref Citations
1. Spiritual formation towards Pentecostal leadership as discipleship
Jeremy Feller, Christo Lombaard
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship vol: 83 issue: 1 year: 2018
doi: 10.19108/KOERS.83.1.2254