Original Research
Skrifkritiese opstandingsperspektiewe – beoordeel vanuit die gereformeerde teologie
Submitted: 14 July 2015 | Published: 14 December 2015
About the author(s)
Carel Coetzee, Faculty of Theology, School for Dogmatology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South AfricaStephan Smith, Faculty of Theology, School for Dogmatology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa
Hierdie artikel ondersoek die aard en omvang van skrifkritiese opstandingsperspektiewe binne die Suid-Afrikaanse teologie. Spesifieke klem word op die konsekwensies gelê wat skrifkritiese opstandingsperspektiewe vir die kernleerstukke van die Christelike geloof inhou. Verdere konsekwensies raak die hart van die individu se daaglikse geloofslewe en die praktyk van die kerk. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, word enkele skrifkritiese opstandingsperspektiewe kortliks gestel. Standpuntstelling word deur ’n beoordeling van elke standpunt vanuit ’n skrifverantwoorde teologie gevolg. Die standpunt word gestel dat skrifkritiese teoloë dikwels die ryke betekenis van Christus se opstanding ontken of onderbeklemtoon. Die navorsing vir hierdie artikel het verder getoon dat skrifkritiese opstandingsperspektiewe verreikende negatiewe konsekwensies vir ’n skrifverantwoorde teologie inhou. Die gevolgtrekking is dat skrifkritiese opstandingsperspektiewe onversoenbaar met die tradisioneel-reformatoriese leer van die Christologie is.
This article investigates the nature and extent of scripture-critical views of the resurrectioni n the context of South African theology. Special attention is given to the consequences that a scripture-critical view of the resurrection has on the core doctrines of reformed theology. Further consequences also affect the day-to-day faith of believers and the mission and effectiveness of the church. In order to conclude this investigation a number of scripturecritical views of the resurrection are critically investigated and evaluated from the perspective of the paradigm of reformed Dogmatics. Research has proven that scripture-critical scholars of theology displace or undervalue the impactful meaning of Christ’s resurrection. Scripturecritical views of the resurrection have numerous negative consequences for the traditional doctrines of reformed theology. This article has determined that a scripture-critical view of the resurrection is not reconcilable with the traditional reformed doctrine of Christology.
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