Original Research - Special Collection: Impact of Reformed Theology

The impact of Reformed theology on church unity and reconciliation in the Reformed Churches in South Africa since the first general synod, 2009

Chaka C. Mathundela
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 54, No 2 | a2570 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v54i2.2570 | © 2020 Chaka C. Mathundela | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 27 November 2019 | Published: 05 August 2020

About the author(s)

Chaka C. Mathundela, The Unit for Reformational Theology and the Development of the South African Society, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa


The Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (Reformed Churches in South Africa [RCSA]) held its first annual historic general synod on 04 January 2009 in Potchefstroom. This was the synod that would last for 10 days. Someone who knows the history of the church would say that it was like the synod of Dort (1618–1619). Everyone was looking forward to it; yet, others approached the synod with great doubts in their hearts. Indeed, this synod reflected a true South Africa (black and white people coming together in the synod). In 2019, it marked 10 years since that momentous synod. This article intends to indicate the impact of Reformed theology on the RCSA over these 10 years. It addresses the question of how the local churches are doing after one classis, one regional synod and one general synod as far as unity and reconciliation is concerned. The question regarding the unity and reconciliation process involves converging changes of black and white churches. It is in the heart of Reformed theology where we find the confession: ‘I believe in the communion of saints’. This communion of saints speaks about the unity and reconciliation of believers, united and reconciled with God and fellow neighbours!


Reformed theology; Unity; Reconciliation; RCSA synod 2009; Sustentation fund; Language questions; Caring of retired ministers; Pension fund; Thuso fund


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