Original Research

Die gelowige ouer as geloofsvoorbeeld: Prakties-teologiese perspektiewe op toerusting

G. van Wyk, C.J.H. Venter
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 37, No 3 | a481 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v37i3.481 | © 1970 G. van Wyk, C.J.H. Venter | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 02 August 2003 | Published:

About the author(s)

G. van Wyk, Vakgroep Praktiese Teologie, Skool vir Kerkwetenskappe, Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO, South Africa
C.J.H. Venter, Vakgroep Praktiese Teologie, Skool vir Kerkwetenskappe, Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO, South Africa

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The believing parent as an example of faith: Practical-theological perspectives on equipping

This article focuses on the unintentional process of learning that takes place in a child, especially with regard to the influence of the religious example of parents and peer groups. Firstly, applicable basis-theoretical material from Scripture regarding the necessity of an example in faith is analysed. Secondly, the processes of socialization and modelling are explained sociologically. Finally, some practical perspectives are suggested with regard to the minister’s task of equipping parents to realise the necessity of their practical example of faith.


Believing Parents And Children; Example And Modelling; Religion-Education; Socialization Of Children


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Total article views: 3135


Crossref Citations

1. ’n Prakties-teologiese besinning oor die begeleiding en toerusting van kinders tot dienswerk as ’n weg tot die navolging van die gesindheid van Christus
Gert Breed, Ferdi P. Kruger
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies  vol: 70  issue: 2  year: 2014  
doi: 10.4102/hts.v70i2.1373