Original Research
Indikatief en paraklese in Romeine
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 24, No 1 | a1340 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v24i1.1340
| © 1990 M. A. Kruger
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 07 June 1990 | Published: 07 June 1990
Submitted: 07 June 1990 | Published: 07 June 1990
About the author(s)
M. A. Kruger,, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (775KB)Abstract
The introductory part of this article presents an explanation of what is meant by the Greek New Testament word παράκλησις: and an indication of what is accepted by the author of this article as a valid method of studying Romans. The main indicative of Romans lies in the first part, 1:16 - 4:25. Special attention should thus be given to the introductory part before this main section. In deviations from the formal introduction to the letter Paul beforehand indicates what is to follow later in the letter The traditional exegesis of Romans 1:18 is not considered as correct in all aspects and reformed dogmatics built on Romans 1 should be reconsidered as far as sufficiency of revelation is concemed The second main section, Romans 5-8 is a consolation and an exhortation to Christians to persevere in faith. The third part, Romans 9-11, is an appeal to Jews to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. This part also contains an urgent warning to Christians from the Gentiles not to fall into covenant-automatism. The παράκλησις; of Romans 12:1 -15:13 is directed in first instance to the congregation in Rome. Though this paraclesis primarily concerns the congregation in Rome, it also touches upon the relation to the world and to authority, and it culminates in Romans 15:7 with an appeal that the diverse groups in the congregation in Rome should accept each other as Christ had accepted them. In the concluding part of the letter Paul’s main issues are to get the Romans involved in his planned missionary work in Spain and the appeal that they should bring forth the fruit of their faith. The article concludes with some suggestions for sermons from Romans.
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