Original Research

Openbaring as principium theologiae

M. A. Kruger
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 27, No 1 | a1442 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v27i1.1442 | © 1993 M. A. Kruger | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 10 June 1993 | Published: 10 June 1993

About the author(s)

M. A. Kruger,, South Africa

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Theological renewal regarding different theological disciplines as well as the complete theological encyclopedia has lately been debated worldwide. Likewise, the Reformed Churches in South Africa are in a process of reconsidering the traditional reformed theological encyclopedia. This task can, however, not be fulfilled unless the basic issues are not also reconsidered. This article focuses on revelation as the principium theologiae. The line of argumentation centres round the fundamental confession in article 2 of the Belgian Confession. The truth implicit in this article, and accepted by the Reformed Churches, stresses that God can be known through his creation, sustenance and government of the universe, but He can be known more convincingly by studying holy Scripture. To prove this point of departure, Romans 1-4 and Romans 10 are discussed. The distinction between special and general revelation, contextual theology and the relationship to world religions and H. Bavinck's concept of the principium theologiae are also considered.


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