Original Research

He is risen! A play based on Acts 1:1-12

R.G. Branch
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 44, No 1 | a145 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v44i1.145 | © 1970 R.G. Branch | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 July 2010 | Published:

About the author(s)

R.G. Branch, School of Biblical Sciences, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa

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This play was written in response to a request to conduct a worship service on Ascension Day, 21 May 2009, a Thursday, for primary school children, ages six to thirteen, from the Potchefstroom Christian School, an English-speaking school in Potchefstroom. The worship service was part of an outreach of Potchefstroom North congregation, a member of the GKSA (Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika), to two local schools.An hour earlier on the same day, children from an Afrikaans-speaking school heard a sermon by Prof. Ben de Klerk. This article is dedicated to Professor De Klerk with thanks for his service to the Lord. Truly, his life exemplifies joy and honour.


The author of the play spent two and a half years (July 2002- December 2004) with the Faculty of Theology at the North-West University in Potchefstroom – first on a Fulbright Fellowship and then as an Associate Professor with the Faculty of Theology for a finite term of 18 months. She was back for a visit doing research with her former colleagues when the invitation came to conduct the service for Potchefstroom Christian School on 21 May.During announcements at a chapel service for theology students and faculty earlier in May, she asked for “six strong, broad, energetic, excited, and very handsome men” to be disciples in her new play for children. Young men responded and rehearsals commenced.


The play was well received by the children. It kept their attention because it was fast-moving and fun. They learned a bit about the book of Acts and its opening story, the ascension, in a manner faithful to the Biblical text and yet one that creatively9 incorporated contemporary elements.


Ascension; Child Evangelism; Christ Risen; Disciples; Drama; Holy Spirit;


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