Original Research

Is Allah die Here?

J. A. van Rooy
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 28, No 1 | a1487 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v28i1.1487 | © 1994 J. A. van Rooy | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 11 June 1994 | Published: 11 June 1994

About the author(s)

J. A. van Rooy,, South Africa

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Regarding the issue whether Allah is God, much difference of opinion exists among Reformed theologians. J.H. Bavinck, John Calvin and Z. Ursinus would probably say no in answer to the question as to whether Allah is God. whereas others, like Albert Kruyt and most specialists on Islam would say yes. These differences may be explained as emanating from different approaches. The subjective-personal point of view would not recognize in Allah the God of the Bible. Gods of different faiths reflecting a distorted image of God should, however, only in a very relative and limited way he called false gods. The exegetical point of view should take cognisance of Taul’s statements about the God of Judaism in Romans 10:2 and his own experience according to 2 Timothy 1:3. These Pauline statements make it clear that the God of Judaism cannot historically and objectively be called an idol. Knowledge of Allah of Islam, however, is historically dependent on Judaism and Christianity, and is therefore an extension of the knowledge Jews and Christians have of God. From a New Testament perspective Judaism and Islam cannot be called true religions, but neither can the God they worship be called an idol in the absolute sense of the word.


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