Original Research

’n Prakties-teologiese perspektief op die handeling van kerklike besluitneming: praktykteorie

F.W de Wet, F.P. Kruger
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 44, No 2 | a153 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v44i2.153 | © 2010 F.W de Wet, F.P. Kruger | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 July 2010 | Published: 25 July 2010

About the author(s)

F.W de Wet, Skool vir Kerkwetenskappe, Potchefstroomkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, South Africa
F.P. Kruger, Skool vir Kerkwetenskappe, Potchefstroomkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, South Africa

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A practical-theoretical perspective on the act of making ecclesiastical resolutions: theory for praxis
In a preceding article the researchers unfolded the problematic praxis concerning ecclesiastical resolution-making by referring to insufficient accountability with respect to the way in which human prejudice and desire (anthroponomic elements) can (unconsciously) dominate the mind in calling upon Scripture and guidance of the Spirit (theonomic elements). In this follow- up article we try to propose a strategy for change by developing a praxis theory for ways in which the complexity of the relation- ship between divine and human elements in the resolution- making process (and especially with respect to the hermeneu- tical complexity involved in calling upon Scripture) can be visualised. Our purpose with this praxis theoretical exercise will then be to provide people involved in the resolution-making process with beacons with a view to discerning what may on the surface look like a theonomically determined resolution, but what might in fact be resolution that will eventually radicalise in polarisation due to dominating antroponomic elements. The researchers assess the heart of a strategy for reversing the dis- integrating factors in the attitudes and viewpoints of resolution makers into integration to lie in the reconciling power of the gospel of grace in Jesus Christ. Where people willingly place themselves under die guidance of the Spirit of Christ the pro- cess of resolution-making will be a balanced process without absolutising or relativising Scripture.


Ecclesiastical Resolutions; Praxis Theory Strategy For Change; Teonomic And Anthroponomic Relationship Between


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