Original Research

Rond de schuldbelijdenis in de liturgie

K. Deddens
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 29, No 3 | a1551 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v29i3.1551 | © 1970 K. Deddens | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 12 June 1995 | Published:

About the author(s)

K. Deddens,, South Africa

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This study deals with what happens in the first part of the reformed worship service on Sunday mornings. The article offers a historical review of confession practices in the liturgy, especially during the time of the Reformation, particularly concerning the ideas of John Calvin in liturgical respect. In this article it is argued that the first part of Calvin's order of liturgy (the part preceding the prayer serving to open God’s Word) formed an organic whole according to the triad: misery, deliverance and thankfulness. Calvin rightly emphasized the element of humility at the very beginning of the worship service. This humility is expressed in the confession of sins, which is to be followed directly by a word of comfort from Scripture and the declaration of forgiveness of sins for believers. Calvin followed this order in Strassbourg from which he was banished from 1538-1541. He, however, was not able to practise this procedure in Genéve after his return, although he advised the churches to keep this order. This study advocates the maintenance, c.q. re-introduction of this apt beginning of Calvin’s liturgy at Strassbourg.


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