Original Research - Special Collection: Biblical values on social change

Spirituality in the workplace: An introductory overview

Madelein Fourie
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 48, No 1 | a1769 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v48i1.1769 | © 2014 Madelein Fourie | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 15 October 2013 | Published: 11 July 2014

About the author(s)

Madelein Fourie, Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa


The research was conducted from the perspective of public practical theology, which hasthe general purpose to gain a deeper understanding of the human in all facets of his orher everyday life. More specifically, practical theology wants to facilitate the experience of meaningfulness and sense outside the walls of the church for people to be able to answer existential questions. In this article, the focus was on the individual in the workplace and the meaning of work. Corporate interest in spirituality is not a fleeting tendency, but a basic movement embracing a new perspective on work in which the emphasis has shifted to the idea that work is meaningful. Organisations of the 21st century require that their employees bring their whole selves to the work − not only their physical presence and intellect, but also their spirituality. A growing number of employees are seeking more than mere financial gain in the workplace – the aim is gain in the form of inspirational and meaningful work. Sufficient proof exists that spirituality in the work place is responsible for creating a new organisational culture in which workers are more content and better achieving. In addition, employee motivation and experience of job satisfaction are enhanced. The result is an upward spiral for the benefit of the working individual and the workplace.

Spiritualiteit in die werkplek: ’n Inleidende oorsig. Hierdie navorsing is vanuit ’n publieke prakties-teologiese perspektief onderneem. Dit beoog om ’n beter begrip van die mens in al sy of haar lewensfasette te verkry. Dit het ten doel om die ervaring van sin en betekenis buite die mure van die kerk te fasiliteer om mense sodoende in staat te stel om eksistensiële vrae te kan beantwoord. In hierdie artikel is die fokus spesifiek op die werkende individu en die betekenis wat aan werk geheg word, gerig. Korporatiewe belangstelling in werkplek-spiritualiteit is nie ’n vlietende tendens nie, maar ’n basiese beweging met ’n verskuifde perspektief, gerig op die betekenis van werk. Organisasies van die een-en- twintigste eeu vereis dat werknemers hulle totale self − fisies, intellektueel en ook spiritueel − na die werkplek bring. ’n Groeiende aantal werknemers is op soek na meer as slegs ekonomiese beloning − hulle verkies eerder beloning in die vorm van inspirerende en betekenisvolle werk. Daar is genoegsame bewys dat spiritualiteit in die werkplek vir die skep van ’n nuwe organisatoriese kultuur met gelukkiger en beter presterende werkers verantwoordelik is. Daarmee saam word werknemer-motivering en -betekenisvolheid van die werkservaring verhoog. Die resultaat is ’n opwaartse spiraal tot voordeel van die werkende individu asook van die werkplek.



Spirituality; Workplace spirituality


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