Original Research

Duursaamheid en verandering in die offers van die ou en die nuwe verbond (Hebreërs 9)

Andries H. Snyman
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 48, No 1 | a1773 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v48i1.1773 | © 2014 Andries H. Snyman | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 21 October 2013 | Published: 25 November 2014

About the author(s)

Andries H. Snyman, Department of New Testament, University of the Free State, South Africa


Hebreërs 9 is deel van die skrywer se konklusie oor die Hoëpriesterskap van Christus in hoofstukke 9:1–10; 28. In sy argument gebruik die skrywer die hermeneutiese strategie van duursaamheid (kontinuïteit) en verandering (diskontinuïteit). In die eerste deel van die artikel word die onderskeiding vanuit ’n epistemologiese perspektief ondersoek en beskryf. Die tweede deel handel oor die wyse waarop die Hebreërskrywer dit gebruik om die offers van die ou en die nuwe verbond te vergelyk. Daar word aangetoon dat die offertema implisiet op die fundamentele verhouding tussen duursaamheid en verandering berus. Dit word gebruik om die unieke en volmaakte offer van Christus asook die implikasies daarvan vir die lesers te verduidelik. Die artikel word afgesluit deur die verwysing na ander temas in die brief wat ook aan die hand van hierdie hermeneutiese strategie ondersoek kan word. In die artikel word ook sekere retoriese tegnieke geïdentifiseer wat gebruik is om belangrike sake te beklemtoon en die brieflesers tot die skrywer se standpunt te oorreed.

Constancy and change in the sacrifices of the old and new covenant (Hebrews 9). Hebrews 9 forms part of the author’s conclusion in chapters 9:1–10; 18, dealing with the High Priesthood of Christ. In arguing his case, the author uses the hermeneutical strategy of constancy (continuity)and change (discontinuity). In the first part of the article this distinction is investigated and described from an epistemological perspective. The second part deals with the way in which the author uses it in comparing the sacrifices under the old and new covenant respectively. It is indicated how the theme of sacrifice entails an implicit awareness of the foundationalrelationship between constancy and change in order to explain the uniqueness and perfection of Christ’s self-offering and its implications for the readers. The article is concluded by referring to other themes that could be investigated on the basis of the same hermeneutical strategy. The study also identifies certain rhetorical techniques used to highlight important issues and persuade the readers to the author’s point of view.


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