Original Research
Calvin’s interpretation of the first commandment and the implications for religious pluralism and equality of religion
Submitted: 14 February 2014 | Published: 05 December 2014
About the author(s)
Carel F.C. Coetzee, Systematic Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South AfricaAbstract
Scholars agree that we live in a pluralistic world. For the purpose of this article, the emphasis is on religious pluralism as distinguished from other forms of pluralism. The religious pluralism addressed in this article, can be seen as synonymous with equality of religion. From the paradigm of the Calvinistic-Reformed tradition, the question is asked what the implications of Calvin’s interpretation of the first commandment are for the phenomenon of religious pluralism and equality of religion. His interpretation in the Institutes (1536 and 1559) and Catechisms (1538 and 1545) as well as his commentaries on Exodus 20:3 and Deuteronomy 5:7 emphasise that there is only one God: the triune God of Scripture. He alone should be worshipped as he commands in his law. This claim also applies to the government. In the pluralistic context of today, the Church ought to maintain and proclaim this truth − both in its apologetic calling and witness to government.
Calvyn se verklaring van die eerste gebod en die implikasies daarvan vir godsdienspluralismeen godsdiensgelykheid. Navorsers stem saam dat ons in ’n pluralistiese wêreld leef. Wat die fokus van hierdie artikel betref, val die klem op godsdienstige pluralisme in onderskeid van ander vorme van pluralisme. Godsdienspluralisme kan, sover dit die skopus van hierdie artikel betref, gesien word as sinoniem met godsdiensgelykheid. Vanuit die Calvinisties-reformatoriese tradisie word die vraag ondersoek wat die implikasies van Calvyn se verklaring van die eerste gebod vir die verskynsel van godsdienspluralisme en godsdiensgelykheid is. In sy verklaring in die Institusie (1536 en 1559) en sy Kategismus (1538 en 1545) sowel as in sy kommentare op Eksodus 20:3 en Deuteronomium 5:7, beklemtoon Calvyn dat daar net een God is, die drieenige God van die Skrif. Hy alleen moet aanbid word soos Hy in sy wet beveel. Hierdie eis geld ook vir die owerheid. In die pluralistiese tyd en samelewing moet die kerk hierdie waarheid handhaaf en uitdra in die apologetiese roeping sowel as as in die getuienis teenoor die owerheid.
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