Original Research
Theological training in the black Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA)
Submitted: 03 March 2014 | Published: 31 March 2015
About the author(s)
Hulisani Ramantswana, Biblical and Ancient Studies, University of South Africa, South AfricaAbstract
This article presents a historic analysis of theological training in the black Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA) − Southland Synod (Coloured), Synod Midlands (black) and Synod Soutpansberg (black) − and highlights the major trends with regard to theological training. Four phases are identified: (1) 1910–1951, informal training of evangelists and ministers on a local basis; (2) 1952–1960, the beginning of formal training of ministers and evangelists; (3) 1961–1989, training under the 1961 Theological Training Policy for the black RCSA; and (4) 1990 to today, theological training in the black RCSA in the context of the new South Africa.
Teologiese opleiding in die swart Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (GKSA). Die artikel bied ’n historiese ontleding van teologiese opleiding in die swart Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika − Suidland Sinode (Kleurling), Middellande Sinode (swart) en Soutpansberg Sinode (swart) − en beklemtoon die belangrikste tendense met betrekking tot teologiese opleiding. Vier fases word in die artikel geïdentifiseer: (1) 1910–1951, informele opleiding van evangeliste en leraars op ’n plaaslike basis; (2) 1952–1960, die begin van die formele opleiding van predikante en evangeliste; (3) 1961–1989, opleiding onder die 1961 Teologiese Opleidingsbeleid in die swart GKSA; en (4) 1990 tot vandag, teologiese opleiding in die swart GKSA in die konteks van die nuwe Suid-Afrika.
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Crossref Citations
1. The impact of Reformed theology on church unity and reconciliation in the Reformed Churches in South Africa since the first general synod, 2009
Chaka C. Mathundela
In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi vol: 54 issue: 2 year: 2020
doi: 10.4102/ids.v54i2.2570