Original Research
Eschatological hope in Haggai: A homiletic reading
Submitted: 18 March 2014 | Published: 28 April 2015
About the author(s)
Bob Wielenga, Unit for Reformed Theology and the development of the South African society, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South AfricaAbstract
In this article historical research into Haggai’s eschatological sayings (Hg 2:6–9, 20–23) is combined with a homiletic approach to these two sayings, employing a canon-historical methodology. First, Haggai’s silence about the past of the, in 539 bcreturned, exiles is investigated. His evaluation of this period will be compared with the one by Ezra-Nehemiah. His emphasis on the present time as decision time with a view to the eschatological future, will be examined. Attention will be given to the role the rebuilt temple played in his prophecies, and the kind of contribution he made to prophetic eschatology. Secondly, the homiletic approach to Haggai’s eschatological sayings requires a canonical reflection on their relationship with the New Testament eschatology with a view to strengthen the community of faith’s eschatological prospects in the present time.
In hierdie artikel word ’n historiese ondersoek na Haggai se eskatologiese uitsprake (Hag 2:6–9, 20–23) met ’n homiletiese benadering tot albei uitsprake gekombineer met behulp van ’n kanon-historiese metodologie. Eerstens word Haggai se stilswye oor die verlede van die teruggekeerde ballinge van voor 522 v.C. ondersoek en met die beoordeling van dieselfde tydperk deur Esra-Nehemia vergelyk. Sy nadruk op die huidige tyd as beslissingstyd met die oog op die eskatologiese toekoms word bestudeer. Aandag word ook aan die rol geskenk wat die tempel in sy profesieë gespeel het en watter bydrae hy tot die profetiese eskatologie gemaak het. Tweedens vereis die homiletiese benadering van die eskatologiese uitsprake in Haggai om vanuit ’n kanonieke oogpunt op die verhouding met die Nuwe-Testamentiese eskatologie te reflekteer, met die doel om die geloofsgemeenskap se eskatologiese verwagtings in die huidige tyd te versterk.
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Crossref Citations
1. Eschatology in Malachi: The emergence of a doctrine
Bob Wielenga
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi vol: 50 issue: 1 year: 2016
doi: 10.4102/ids.v50i1.2091