Original Research

Nestorian ‘merchant missionaries’ – A model for Christian Chinese migrants

John Gordy
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 49, No 1 | a1882 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v49i1.1882 | © 2015 John Gordy | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 11 September 2014 | Published: 30 April 2015

About the author(s)

John Gordy, Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa, South Africa and Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa


Both the Old and New Testament lay a foundation for the role of migrants in God’s mission, missio Dei. With the unprecedented rise of the Global South to prominence in the world mission enterprise, China is poised to play a major role in fulfilling the Great Commission Mandate. Already Christian Chinese migrants are in many countries, possibly in over 140 countries of the world, including many of the unreached, unengaged people groups. The Nestorians, also called ‘merchant missionaries’, were amongst the first to take the gospel to China. They can serve as a methodological mission model, using some basic biblical principles, to help Christian Chinese migrants today, especially the Wenzhou businessmen, to fulfil their apostolic role in world mission.

Sowel die Ou as die Nuwe Testament lê ’n fondament vir die rol van nomades (rondtrekkendes) in God se missie (missio Dei). Met die Globale Suide se ongeëwenaarde toename in prominensie ten opsigte van die onderneming van wêreldsending, is China gereed om ’n hoofrol in die verwesenliking van die Groot Sendingopdrag te vertolk. Chinese Christen nomades is alreeds in 140 lande van die wêreld besig, waarvan baie tussen die onbereikte, onbesette mensegroepe is. Die Nestoriane, of ‘kooplui-sendelinge’, was van die eerste sendelinge wat die evangelie na China geneem het. Hulle voorbeeld kan as ’n sendingmodel dien om Chinese Christen nomades te help, veral die Wenzhou-sakemanne, om hulle apostoliese rol in wêreldsending te vervul.


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