Original Research
The confluence of ‘wisdom’ and ‘apocalyptic’ in 4QInstruction
Submitted: 12 January 2015 | Published: 29 May 2015
About the author(s)
Pieter M. Venter, Department Old Testament Studies, University of Pretoria, South AfricaAbstract
A confluence of sapiential and apocalyptic thought is found in 4QInstruction. This article investigates this phenomenon in 4QInstruction by studying the two main genres used in the book, indicating the central role of the term raz nihyeh [the existing secret] in the book and presenting a cognitive analysis of this term in 4Q416 2 III. The thesis is proposed that anextended embodied, chronistic and spatial view of the world is found in this passage.
Die samevloeiing van ‘wysheid’ en ‘apokaliptiese denke’ in 4Qinstruction. ’n Samevloeiing van wysheids- en apokaliptiese denke kom in 4QInstruction voor. Hierdie artikel ondersoek bogenoemde verskynsel in 4QInstruction deur die betudering van die twee hoofgenres wat in die boek voorkom. Dit dui die sentrale rol van die term raz niyeh [die geheim wat bestaan]in die boek aan en bied ’n kognitiewe analise van hierdie term in 4Q416 2 III. Dit word gestel dat ’n uitgebreide beliggaamde, kronistiese en ruimtelike beskouing van die wêreld in hierdie gedeelte voorkom.
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