Original Research
The joy of seeing Christ: A thematic study of joy in the Gospel of John
Submitted: 13 April 2015 | Published: 13 July 2015
About the author(s)
Gert J.C. Jordaan, Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South AfricaAbstract
An investigation of the recurring references to joy in the fourth Gospel brings to light that joy is developed in the Gospel as a distinct theme. This theme is developed in typical Johannine style within a spiral-like pattern, with its climax in the joy of seeing Jesus as the risen Lord. Furthermore, starting with Abraham in the Old Testament and climaxing in Jesus’ appearance after his resurrection, joy in the fourth Gospel is evolved within the broad theological framework of God’s covenant and his kingdom.
Blydskap om Christus te sien: ’n Tematiese studie van blydskap in die Johannes-Evangelie.’n Ondersoek na die herhaalde verwysings na blydskap in die vierde Evangelie bring aan die lig dat blydskap in hierdie Evangelie tot ’n selfstandige tema uitgebou word. Die tema is volgens die tipiese spiraalpatroon van Johannes se gedagtegang gerangskik, met sy klimaks in die blydskap daarvan om Jesus as die opgestane Here te sien. Binne hierdie patroon word die blydskaptema vanaf Abraham in die Ou Testament tot by Jesus se verskyning ná sy opstanding openbaringshistories ontvou en binne die breë raamwerk van die verbond en die koninkryk van God ontwikkel.
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