Original Research
’n Praktiese-teologiese ondersoek na prediking en die effek van sosiale kognisie in die handeling van kontek-stualisering
Submitted: 07 July 2015 | Published: 08 April 2016
About the author(s)
F.P. Kruger, Practical Theology, School for Ecclesiastical Studies, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South AfricaAbstract
A practical theological investigation on preaching and the effect of social cognition in the act of contextualisation. It is indicated in recent research that church and society are conscious of each other through their observation of one another – a process also known as social cognition. This article intends to investigate the manner in which the church is observingsociety. The following research question is stated: Which role can preaching play to foster good neighbourship in society and what is the aspects that influence the cognition of the church as community of believers? This research will be undertaken from a practical-theological vantage point. This field of research shows a tangency with the fields of Ecclesiology and Missiology. From these two fields the importance of the practical-theological field of research will be indicated. This research will further investigate the problematic praxis through an intradisciplinary discourse with the field of Social Psychology. In this exposition it will be indicated that the founding and functioning of social cognition is a natural process although it also has it complexities. From a normative vantage point investigation on Jeremiah 29 and Matthew 5 will be undertaken in order to state that the right cognition is important for internalising sermons and the conveyance of sermons into daily life. Distortions, in the process of social cognition, can also cultivate a wrong view on what it entails to be salt and light in the world. Practical-theoretical perspectives on the benefit of a good name in society will be provided that will be favourable for the preaching of the Word.
Keyword: Homiletics
Total abstract views: 3142Total article views: 4988
Crossref Citations
1. Attitude change through understanding (cognition) of the influence of the persuasive language of liturgy
Ferdi Kruger
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies vol: 72 issue: 2 year: 2016
doi: 10.4102/hts.v72i2.3234