Original Research

Hold the candle: mission at the crossroads in our era

J. Kommers
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 52, No 1 | a2237 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v52i1.2237 | © 2018 Johan H. Kommers | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 17 January 2017 | Published: 27 February 2018

About the author(s)

J. Kommers, Faculty of Theology, Vrije Universiteit and International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI), The Netherlands and Unit for Reformed Theology, Faculty of Theology, North-West University, South Africa


When we rounded the bend from the second to the third millennium the contribution of the classic pioneer missionary is over. The 21st century is dominated by a holistic approach. However, in using new methods, new technology and in adapting a lifestyle according to this time, there is a tendency to view the work of pioneer missionaries as old fashioned. With a new approach and new methods also new ideas enter the field. My intention is not to defend the pioneers and to give them more recognition – the Lord will honour his own work and workers – but to show that we do ourselves an injustice when we would not use the knowledge, experience, love and passion of the former generations who just had only one vision. We need them to fuel our mission intention in obeying Christ’s last commend in the conviction that the message of the cross of Jesus Christ is the only relevant message for today’s world.


Theology; Mission


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