Original Research
Gesindheid as kommunikasiesteurnis (“geruis”) in die prediking: basisteoretiese perspektiewe vanuit die gelykenis van die saaier (Lukas 8:4-15)
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 41, No 2 | a304 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v41i2.304
| © 2007 A. P. du Preez, C. J.H. Venter
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 27 July 2007 | Published: 27 July 2007
Submitted: 27 July 2007 | Published: 27 July 2007
About the author(s)
A. P. du Preez, Potchefstroomkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, South AfricaC. J.H. Venter, Potchefstroomkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, South Africa
Full Text:
PDF (195KB)Abstract
Attitude as communication barrier (“noise”) in preaching the Word: basis-theoretical perspectives from the parable of the sower (Luke 8:4-15)
Hearers’ attitudes in listening to a sermon still represent a very topical field of homiletical research. Within this extensive field the problem of communication barriers (“noise”) in the process of listening to a sermon is scrutinised in this article. At the outset three important concepts are defined: preaching, attitude and noise. The discussion of these aspects is followed by focusing on the parable of the sower. Outlined in particular is the way in which noise and attitude are expressed meta- phorically in this parable. As first step in the process of discussing the parable, Luke 8:4-15 is positioned within the macrostructure of Luke, and also within the microstructure of Luke 8. This specific positioning is followed by a closer exegetical delimitation of what hearers’ attitude as (possible source of) noise can imply. Negative aspects functioning as noise (barriers in receiving the message) are highlighted, including the evil presence of Satan in the listening process. Attention is also devoted to positive factors like spirituality in which the sower sows the seed of the Word in fertile soil. In conclusion basis-theoretical perspectives are formulated on hearers’ attitudes functioning as communication barrier (“noise”) in listening to a sermon.
Hearers’ attitudes in listening to a sermon still represent a very topical field of homiletical research. Within this extensive field the problem of communication barriers (“noise”) in the process of listening to a sermon is scrutinised in this article. At the outset three important concepts are defined: preaching, attitude and noise. The discussion of these aspects is followed by focusing on the parable of the sower. Outlined in particular is the way in which noise and attitude are expressed meta- phorically in this parable. As first step in the process of discussing the parable, Luke 8:4-15 is positioned within the macrostructure of Luke, and also within the microstructure of Luke 8. This specific positioning is followed by a closer exegetical delimitation of what hearers’ attitude as (possible source of) noise can imply. Negative aspects functioning as noise (barriers in receiving the message) are highlighted, including the evil presence of Satan in the listening process. Attention is also devoted to positive factors like spirituality in which the sower sows the seed of the Word in fertile soil. In conclusion basis-theoretical perspectives are formulated on hearers’ attitudes functioning as communication barrier (“noise”) in listening to a sermon.
Listeners Attitude; Noise As Communication Barrier; Sower Parable Of Luke 8:4-15; Spirituality Of The Preacher
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