Original Research

Die messiaanse interpretasie van die psalms in enkele Antiocheense en Oos- Siriese psalmkommentare

H.F. van Rooy
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 45, No 2/3 | a33 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v45i2/3.33 | © 2011 H.F. van Rooy | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 22 June 2011 | Published: 22 June 2011

About the author(s)

H.F. van Rooy, Eenheid vir Reformatoriese Teologie, Potchefstroomkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, POTCHEFSTROOM

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The messianic interpretation of the psalms in a number of Antiochene and East Syriac psalm commentaries

The Antiochene exegetes interpreted the psalms against the backdrop of the history of Israel. They reconstructed a historical setting for each psalm. They reacted against the allegorical interpretation of the Alexandrian School that frequently interpreted the psalms from the context of the New Testament. This article investigates the messianic interpretation of Psalms 2 and 110, as well as the interpretation of Psalm 22, frequently regarded as messianic in non-Antiochene circles. The interpretation of these psalms in the commentaries of Diodore of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia and Išô`dâdh of Merv will be discussed, as well as the commentary of Denha-Gregorius, an abbreviated Syriac version of the commentary of Theodore. The commentaries of Diodore and Theodore on Psalm 110 are not available. The interpretation of this psalm in the Syriac commentary discussed by Vandenhoff and the commentary of Išô`dâdh of Merv, both following Antiochene exegesis, will be used for this psalm. The historical setting of the psalms is used as hermeneutical key for the interpretation of all these psalms. All the detail in a psalm is interpreted against this background, whether messianic or not. Theodore followed Diodore and expanded on him. Denha-Gregorius is an abbreviated version of Theodore, supplemented with data from the Syriac. Išô`dâdh of Merv used Theodore as his primary source, but with the same kind of supplementary data from the Syriac.


Antiochene Exegesis; Messianic; Interpretation; Psalms


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