Original Research

Skrifberoep in die vorming van etiese uitsprake, Deel 1: ’n Etiese verstaan van die vrou in die Bybel

Adriaan L. Rheeder
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 46, No 2 | a58 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v46i2.58 | © 2012 Adriaan L. Rheeder | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 10 July 2012 | Published: 26 November 2012

About the author(s)

Adriaan L. Rheeder, School for Ecclesiastical Studies, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa


Na 30 jaar kon die grammaties-historiese metode van Skrifondersoek nie daarin slaag om die etiese probleem van die vrou in die kerklike ampte (en homoseksualiteit) in die GKSA op te los nie. Hierdie metode kan na alle waarskynlikheid nie meer as die enigste verklaringsmetode gebruik word nie en moet deur ander uitgangspunte aangevul word. In hierdie artikel word twee hermeneutiese uitgangspunte bespreek wat saam met die grammaties-historiese metode in die vertolking van die Skrif gebruik kan word. Hierdie hermeneutiese uitgangspunte sal gedemonstreer word in ‘n bespreking oor die etiese verstaan van die vrou in die Bybel, spesifiek soos dit op die vrou in kerklike ampte toegepas word. In aansluiting by laasgenoemde twee vertrekpunte word in ’n opvolgartikel ’n verdere drie hermeneutiese vertrekpunte behandel. Die twee hermeneutiese vertrekpunte wat in hierdie artikel behandel word, staan as reëldoelwit en analogie bekend. Die eerste hermeneutiese vertrekpunt gaan uit van die veronderstelling dat die reëldoelwit van ’n teks swaarder weeg as die teks self, terwyl analogie van die veronderstelling uitgaan dat analogie as beredenering ’n aanvaarbare en noodsaaklike vertrekpunt is. Bogenoemde hermeneutiese vertrekpunte (vyf in totaal) is op twee aannames gegrond. Ten eerste word aanvaar dat die Bybel, alhoewel ’n goddelike boek, ’n besliste kreatuurlike kant het wat in die vertolking daarvan in ag geneem moet word. Tweedens word geredeneer dat die Skrif nie ’n  teologiese boek is nie, wat beteken dat gelowiges in etiese sake waaroor daar twee verstaansmoontlikhede bestaan, die reg gegun moet word om self die Skrif te vertolk. Daar word tot die  gevolgtrekking gekom dat ’n etiese verstaan van die vrou daartoe moet lei dat die vrou as gelykwaardig aan die man beskou en behandel moet word, met die gevolg dat die vrou tot alle ampte in die kerk toegelaat moet word.

Appeal to Scripture in the formation of ethical judgments, Part 1: An ethical understanding of women in the Bible. After 30 years of using the grammatical-historical method of Bible interpretation, it can be said to have failed to solve the ethical problems in GKSA of women in clerical positions and homosexuality. This method can in all probability not be used as the only explanatory method and must be replenished by other hermeneutical viewpoints. In this article, two hermeneutical points of departure are discussed that can be used together with the grammatical-historical method in interpreting Scripture. These hermeneutical viewpoints will be demonstrated in a discussion of the ethical understanding of women in the Bible, specifically as applied to women in clerical offices. In a subsequent article, three further hermeneutical points of departure will be discussed. The two hermeneutical points of departure discussed in this paper are known as the rule of purpose and analogy. The first hermeneutic point of departure is based on the view that the purpose behind ‘n biblical rule outweighs the rule itself whereas analogy assumes that reasoning by analogy is an acceptable and necessary point of departure. The hermeneutical starting points (five in total) mentioned above are built on two underlying assumptions. Firstly, it is assumed that the Bible, though a divine book, has a definite human side and should be considered in interpretation. Secondly, it is argued that Scripture is not a theological book, which means that believers should be afforded the right to come to their own interpretation of Scripture in ethical matters on which there are two possible interpretations. The conclusion is that an ethical understanding of women in the Bible means that women should be regarded and treated as equal to men, with the result that women should be allowed to all positions within the church.


hermeneutic; grammatical–historical; appealing to Scripture; authority of Scripture; the rule of purpose


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Crossref Citations

Jacobus Marthinus Vorster
Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae  vol: 42  issue: 3  first page: 33  year: 2016  
doi: 10.25159/2412-4265/1279