Original Research

Die bydrae en relevansie van die missiologlese besinning in die GKSA

J. A. van Rooy
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 29, No 1/2 | a1540 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v29i1/2.1540 | © 1995 J. A. van Rooy | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 12 June 1995 | Published: 12 June 1995

About the author(s)

J. A. van Rooy,, South Africa

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Taking into account the small number of missiologists in the Reformed Churches in South Africa, the contribution of this small de­nomination towards the development of the theology of mission is remarkable. Apart from many publications of a popular nature, almost a hundred scientific dissertations, books or articles have appeared during the last thirty years, covering the fields of inter alia, the biblical foundations of mission and the theology of mission. These fields can be divided into five sub-themes, to wit: the history of missiology, reflection on the nature of mission and evangelism, the dogmatic basis of mission, the nature of salvation and ecclesiological aspects of mission. Additional fields covered include reflection on the practice of mission (which includes mission strategy and means and methods of mission), the socio-economical and cultural dimen­sions of mission, the theory of communication, syncretism, different religions and history of mission.


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