Original Research
Die metafoor ‘julle is die tempel van God’ as ’n etiese kernmoment in ’n postmoderne leefwêreld
Submitted: 19 January 2015 | Published: 31 August 2015
About the author(s)
Pieter Maré, Department of Religious Studies, University of Johannesburg, South AfricaAbstract
Die idee van die tempelmotief is my fokuspunt in hierdie artikel en daarom gaan ek teoretiseer oor die retoriese vraag waarmee die apostel Paulus die gemeente in Korinte konfronteer: Ouk oidate hoti naos theou este kai to pneuma tou theou en humin oikei? [Weet julle nie dat julle ’n tempel van God is en die Gees van God in julle woon nie?] (1 Kor. 3:16). Het hierdie vraag enige etiese implikasies vir die gemeente in Korinte ingehou en het dit nog enige hermeneutiese waarde vir die geloofsgemeenskap in die postmoderne leefwêreld waarin hulle hulself bevind?
The metaphor ‘you are the temple of God’ as an ethical core moment in a postmodern world. The idea of the temple motif is my focal point in this article, and therefore, I am going to theorise on the rhetorical question asked by Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians: Ouk oidate hoti naos theou este kai to pneuma tou theou en humin oikei? [Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?] (1 Cor 3:16). Did this question hold any ethical implications for that congregation, and does it still have any hermeneutical value for the faithful community in the postmodern milieu in which they find themselves today?
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