Original Research

Liturgiese verdieping van die erediens op grond van kinders se deelname

B. de Klerk
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 36, No 2 | a508 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v36i2.508 | © 1970 B. de Klerk | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 August 2002 | Published:

About the author(s)

B. de Klerk, Skool vir Kerkwetenskappe, Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO, South Africa

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Liturgical deepening of worship service as a result of children’s participation

What kind of deepening can be brought about for the congregation by children participating in worship service? Liturgical deepening can be stimulated by adults implementing new ways by which children can contribute to worship service. The presence of children should have an effect on the content and structuring of the liturgy, in the same way as the presence of the elderly and other adults ought to have. Children participating in worship service can contribute to discover a fresh, childlike sincerity in spirituality. For this reason children should not to be entertained; to the contrary, the affective, emotional and rational aspects of the entire congregation’s listening to the Word, appropriating it to themselves and responding to God, gain in depth by children’s participation. Another aspect of the liturgy by which children’s participation can heighten adults’ sensitivity is non-verbal communication. Furthermore, the preacher accommodating children in addition to adults in his preaching, is compelled to take his congregation on an exploring trip by which the admiration and worship of God will be the final results.


Participation Of Children; Liturgical Deepening; Worship Service


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