Original Research

Jesus Christus se begronding van die opstanding (Matt 22) in die Ou-Testamentiese openbaring en die implikasies daarvan

Jaap L. Helberg
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 48, No 1 | a717 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v48i1.717 | © 2014 Jaap L. Helberg | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 08 April 2013 | Published: 20 June 2014

About the author(s)

Jaap L. Helberg, Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa


Anders as die Sadduseërs en ander mense se mensgesentreerde benadering tot die menslike bestaan en daarom tot ’n moontlike opstanding, is Jesus se benadering Godgesentreerd (óp God gerig en déur God verrig) en Skrifgefundeer.Dit wil sê ’n benadering gefundeer in wat God geopenbaar het en wat menslike bespiegeling, teologie of verwerking van wat met Jesus gebeur het, te bowe gaan. Hierdie Skriffundering is gegrond in God as die lewende, onverganklike, aktiewe en lewewekkende God se persoonlike verhouding met die mens in sy konkrete, historiese bestaan (Matt 22:23−33). So word die ware liggaamlike en geestelike bestaan verseker, naamlik ’n onverbreekbare persoonlike verhouding met God – nou en na die dood, rustend in Jesus Christus se lewe, dood en opstanding. Hierdie begronding veronderstel ’n Skrif- en Geesgefundeerde, Godgesentreerde hermeneutiek, eksegese, erediens, prediking en kerklike inrigting, gedra deur selfondersoek en bekering, diensbaarheid in liefde vir God en die naaste (Matt 22:34−41), en verantwoordelikheid teenoor God se skepping.

Unlike the Sadducees’ and other people’s homocentric approach to man’s existence, and therefore to a possible resurrection, Jesus’ approach is theocentric (focused on God and conducted by God) and founded in Scripture, that is founded in what God reveals, transcending human speculation, theology or processing of what happened to Jesus.This founding in Scripture is grounded in the living, immortal, active and life-giving God’s personal relation with man in his concrete, historical existence (Mt 22:23−33). In this way the real physical and spiritual existence is secured, that is an unbreakable personal relationship with God, now and after death, resting in Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection. This grounding implies a Scripture- and Spirit-founded, God-centered hermeneutics, exegesis, public worship, preaching, and church structuring, conveyed by self-examination and repentance, service in love for God and the neighbour (Mt 22:34−41), and by responsibility towards God’s creation.


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