Original Research

Die Christelike filosofie van D.H.Th. Vollenhoven (1892–1978): Hoe dit ontstaan en verder ontwikkel het

Barend J. van der Walt
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi | Vol 47, No 1 | a80 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ids.v47i1.80 | © 2013 Barend J. van der Walt | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 11 July 2012 | Published: 19 March 2013

About the author(s)

Barend J. van der Walt, School for Philosophy, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa


Hierdie artikel is die eerste in ’n reeks van drie wat handel oor die ontstaan van ’n reformatories-Christelike filosofie by D.H.Th. Vollenhoven (1892–1978), H. Dooyeweerd (1894–1977) van Nederland en H.G. Stoker (1899–1993) van Suid-Afrika. As algemene inleiding tot die trilogie word die vraag bespreek hoe hierdie filosofie vandag – 75 jaar na sy ontstaan – nog lewend en relevant kan wees. In hierdie eerste artikel, wat op die bydrae van Vollenhoven gefokus is, word die volgende behandel: (1) Ter inleiding word kortliks inligting oor sy persoonlikheid vermeld. (2) Aangesien veral kenteoretiese probleme in die brandpunt van belangstelling gestaan het ten tye van die geboorte van die reformatoriese filosofie aan die begin van die vorige eeu, volg ’n kort oorsig van hierdie wysgerige landskap. (3) Daarna word die moontlike invloede op Vollenhoven se denke van sowel buite (die sekulêre filosofiese milieu van sy tyd) as van binne(sy geesgenootlike tradisie) bespreek. (4) Die volgende hoofgedeelte vestig die aandag op Vollenhoven se pionierswerk vir sowel die die sistematiese filosofie as die filosofiese historiografie. (5) Dit word gevolg met ’n gedeelte oor hoedanig die nalatenskap van die driemanskap (Vollenhoven, Dooyeweerd en Stoker) deur daaropvolgende generasies ontvang is en hoe die reformatories-filosofiese tradisie verdeeld geraak het in die navolging van Vollenhoven, Dooyeweerd en Stoker. (6) Die verkenning word afgesluit met ’n aanduiding van die noue verbintenis tussen Vollenhoven (sy persoon asook sy filosofie) en Suid-Afrika en in die besonder Potchefstroom.

The Christian philosophy of D.H.Th. Vollenhoven (1892–1978): How it originated and was developed. This article is the first in a series of three dealing with the emergence of a reformational-Christian philosophy in the work of D.H.Th. Vollenhoven (1892–1978), H. Dooyeweerd (1894–1977) of the Netherlands and H.G. Stoker (1899–1993) of South Africa. As a general introduction to the trilogy the question is how a tradition, the reformational philosophical tradition in particular, can today – 75 years after its inception – be kept alive and relevant. In this first article, focusing on Vollenhoven’s contribution, the following are dealt with: (1) As introduction, something briefly is said about his personality. (2) Since especially epistemological issues were key problems at the cradle of his reformational philosophy during the first part of the previous century, a brief historical background (up to the present postmodern situation) is provided. (3) The third main section investigates the possible influences on Vollenhoven’s thinking, firstly from outside(the philosophical environment of his times) and, secondly, from inside(preceding congenial thinkers). (4) Next, attention is asked for Vollenhoven’s pioneering contribution to both systematic philosophy as well as the historiography of philosophy. (5) The following part deals with how the work of the triumvirate (Vollenhoven, Dooyeweerd and Stoker) was received by next generations and how the reformational philosophical tradition became divided into followers of Vollenhoven, Dooyeweerd and Stoker. (6) The reconnaissance is concluded with an indication of the close contacts between Vollenhoven as person as well as his philosophy and South Africa, especially Potchefstroom.


Christian philosophy; Epistemology; Problem-historical method of philosophical historiography; Vollenhoven (1892-1977)


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